Got a burning question? Maybe it’s already answered here! If not, please feel free to email me or contact me through DM on Instagram.

  • No, you do not! My programs are accessible to those who work out in various locations. When you sign up for any of my programs, you will be sent a consultation form. You will be able to let me know what equipment and weights you have access to.

    If you need a specialized gym or home workout, we can work on designing one that fits your needs. You do NOT need any equipment to start a program! :)

  • I offer 1-on-1 Online training with different membership levels.
    I also offer E-books for training and nutritional advice. You can view them all here.

  • Nope it is available for all. As long as your have a smartphone or some mobile device you can join!

  • Yes, I have vegan and vegetarian meal plans available for those who need them. Other dietary restrictions would have to be discussed with me.

  • Yes of course! My programs are not gender-restrictive. Anyone of any gender can join.